Check out what is happening at Manchester’s Social Centre Partisan this month by visiting:
Sunday 15th October 2017
Zine Club
Zine Club is a space where anyone can read, make zines, collaborate, be shown what a zine is and how to make one, work on an existing project, or ask more seasoned zine-makers any practical questions.
Just come and have a nice hang out and a chat with us! Zines to read and materials will be provided, but feel free to bring along anything you might want to use or donate.
All welcome. Zine Club is FREE but donations will be very welcome to cover materials and to raise money for Partisan. Pop and (vegan friendly) snacks will be available.
2-5pm at Partisan, 19 Cheetham Hill Road, M4 4FY
Welcome to Partisan Collective – Manchester’s hub for social, community and creative activity.
Our Open House is a social for members, and open to non-members interested in joining Partisan. Come along, meet our wonderful members, find out about all the groups and organisations that Partisan gives a home to, as well all that Partisan does. The perfect place to meet new people, and get involved.
We’ll be running a bar and playing some choice music.
See you there!
6-9pm at Partisan, 19 Cheetham Hill Road, M4 4FY
Monday 16th October 2017
Grand Collapse, Fair Do’s, Pivorapist and Salvo
7.30pm at Fuel, Wilmslow Road, Withington
Free gig/ Donations welcome
Friday 20th October 2017
Saturday 28th October 2017
Saturday 18th November 2017
Friday 24th November 2017
Saturday 2nd December 2017
After party announced with Crywank, Epic Problem, Bolshy, Rotting Monarchs and Kiss Me Killer
7-11pm at Partisan, 19 Cheetham Hill Road, M4 4FY
£5 in advance:
Any what’s on ideas? Email
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