Saturday 14th April
The Spokes Bike Dance Troupe
Circus House, Unit 1A Central Retail Park, M4 6DJ
Sunday 15th April
Mikron Theatre are bringing their play ‘Can you keep a secret?: the rise and fall of the Yorkshire Luddites’ to the Working Class Movement Library Annexe on 2pm. The annexe only holds 50 people, so please arrive early to avoid disappointment – the event is pay on the door only,
£8. Donations above this amount will be most welcome to help the Library cover the costs of hosting this production.
Thursday 19th April
Junkie Kut
Retro Bar
Wednesday 25th April
The University of Salford Radical Studies Network seminar: ‘Shot by both sides: punk, politics and the end of consensus’ by Matthew Worley.
The seminar will examine the ways in which political organisations of the far left and far right responded to punk-informed youth culture in Britain during the late 1970s. Will Jackson and Waqas Tufail will talk on ‘Policing disorder in the regenerating city’.
3pm-5pm Working Class Movement Library
All welcome, admission free. Further information from
Saturday 28th April
Working Class Movement Library’s 3rd annual Frow Lecture
Socialist feminist writer and activist Sheila Rowbotham will give the lecture, which is entitled ‘Dreamers of a new day: British and American women’s alternative economic visions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries’.
Sheila Rowbotham draws on her most recent book, ‘Dreamers of a new day: women who Invented the twentieth century’ to show the range of ideas and plans women devised for a better society. While some have entered our daily lives many are yet to be realised and are still relevant today
2pm at the Old Fire Station, just down the Crescent from the Library.
All welcome, admission free.
A change of plan for the Manchester Zapatista Solidarity Group Fundraiser to celebrate 18 years of the Zapatista Uprising: the example shows that another world IS possible, and we want to let it inspire us.
Entry is free, food (including vegan options) and drinks are available but people have to pay for them. There is a DJ for the party and members of the last international observation brigade will come to give a short report. All donations made will go towards the Zapatista prisoners.
7.30pm On the 8th Day, Oxford Road, Manchester
Sunday 29th April
A Common Affair: Zines, Print and Bands
Join us for ‘A Common Affair’, a day long celebration of the finest DIY and self-published art work that Manchester has to offer. We promise a room teaming with talent, spilling over with prints, zines, comics and more. Loosen your purse strings and feast your eyes upon the endless booty. Twelve teetering stalls of print heavy visuals and merchandise. Not only that but A Common Affair is proud to boast performances from Brown Brogues, Sex Hands and Former Bullies plus an all star hand picked DJ line up.
2pm – 6pm for the Affair fair in full effect
6pm – 8pm for the bands followed by DJs until midnight
Free Entry: The Kestrel Suite, Common, 39-41 Edge Street, M4 1HW
Tuesday 8th May
Three Johns
Gullivers, Oldham Street, Manchester
7.45pm £7 advance
Saturday 19th May
Fanzine Festival
Victoria Baths (£2 entry)
Saturday 16th June
Anarcho Punk Fair
Kings Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford
12.00noon-7.00pm FREE
Any what’s ons?
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