Interview with Steve Ignorant of Crass talking about his new projects Slice of Life and working with Paranoid Visions.
Minor Threat -Salad Days
The Undertones -Here Comes The Summer
Andy T -Wooden Curtains
Paranoid Visions and Steve Ignorant -Join The Dots
The Masons -Jerusalem
Dead Subverts -Nothing But A Nightmare
Rudimentary Peni -The Horrors In The Museum
Pukes -Jet Boy, Jet Girl
Formby Channel -Top Deck Shandy Lads
Lawine -Walk Away
Good Throb -Cosmic Libido
Julie Ruin -Oh Come On
Gertrude -Perfect O
Amorous Dialogues -Amorous Dialogues
Fag Enablerz -Neptune In Retrograd
Grand Collapse -Grand Collapse
Meinhof -Out of System
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