Partisan Social Centre:
Check out what is happening at Manchester’s Social Centre Partisan this month by visiting:
Anarchist Bookfairs:
List of upcoming anarchist (and radical) book fairs:
Saturday 8th September
This is in Warrington!
Tuesday 9th October 2018
Michael Herbert be teaching a 10 week course on the history of Radical Manchester in the autumn.
This will begin on Tuesday 9th October, 11am to 1pm, at the Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent Salford M5 4WX.
The cost will be £60.
Manchester and the surrounding area was the centre of the Industrial Revolution which transformed Lancashire, and then the rest of the world. Old methods of production at home were swept aside and replaced by production in massive mills. A class was created who had nothing to sell except their labour – the industrial working class.
On this course we will look at the movements for social reform and political justice which arose in Manchester in response to the “factory system” as it was called at the time.
The course will include:
- Thomas Walker and the radicals of the 1790s who were inspired by the writings of Thomas Paine.
- The Luddites Risings in 1811 and 1812
- The Peterloo Massacre of 1819
- The followers of the radical writer Richard Carlile in Manchester in the 1820s
- The resistance to the introduction of the Poor Law in the 1830s
- The movement for factory reform
- The Chartist movement 1838 to 1848
- Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in Manchester
- The Clarion movement 1891 to 1914
for more information or to book a place on the course, please email me :
Saturday 1st December 2018
Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday 8th December
Any what’s on ideas? Email
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