6th March 2014 What’s On

Echo is a non-profit political events and news site. Echo hopes to provide opportunities for struggle against oppression to grow by increasing participation in demonstrations, events, organised groups, and fundraisers.

Visit the site here: http://echomanchester.net

Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair Saturday 29th November 2014 at People’s History Museum.

Ongoing actions/ campaigns:

From Manchester Animal Action:

Anti-Fur demo this Saturday at Harvey Nichols from 12 noon.
We’re keeping up the pressure, after their head of fashion was forced to resign because of the controversy caused by the reintroduction of fur. See:
Join us if you can from 12 Noon, at Harvey Nichols, 21 New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD

From Northern Gas Gala:

Over the past weeks protest camp has been set up on the side of the road in Barton Moss, Salford leading to a site where a company ‘IGas’ were recently granted a permit to do ‘exploratory drilling’ for the next 3 months. This is the first stage to see if the geology is suitable for coal bed methane extraction and / or fracking – both dodgy and dangerous fossil fuel processes.


Check out these facebook pages:
Frack Free Salford + Greater Manchester

Barton Moss Community Protection Camp facebook page here;

For further info see website: northerngasgala.org.uk

Meat Free Mondays
5pm til last orders at 7pm all vegan rice & 3 for £5 – Mod’s Veggie/Vegan Cafe, Manchester at Thirsty Scholar – all welcome!

Friday 7th to Sunday 9th March

Equalfest 4 featuring loads of bands with at least one female member
I in 12 Club, Bradford and Wharf Chambers, Leeds

Check for updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/326349047502777

Wednesday 12th March

Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol) have spearheaded a new way of applying tried and tested direct action tactics against crooked bosses and landlords with great success. They take on winnable fights with a plan of action that ensures they are winnable and building consciousness as the struggles continue. Their methods have picked up momentum beyond North America and Solidarity Networks in the same vein are now active across the globe. MANCHESTER SOLNET would like to invite you to a talk/discussion with a member of Glasgow SolNet about why they think the model has been right for conditions in Seattle, Glasgow, and beyond. The main aim of the discussion will be to look at the model and find out if it would be of use in Manchester.
The initial meeting is on 12th March at the Friends’ Meeting House from 6.30pm


Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March


Saturday 15th March


Atilla The Stockbroker plus guests
Benefit for Barton Moss Protection Camp & Frackfree Gtr Manchester
Dulcimer, Chorlton
7.00pm £8 in advance:


Bug support Sex Pistols Experience at Manchester Academy!

Sunday March 16th


Friday 21st March

Autonomads, The Hostiles and Colt 45
Yorkshire House, Lancaster
Doors from 8.30pm Five quid on the door (non profit)

Saturday 22nd March

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March


Friday 28th March

Captain Hotknives, Crywank and Gerald Bel-Fife
Kraak Gallery


Saturday 5th April


Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April



Monday 21st April


2nd, 3rd and 4th May 2014: 0161 Festival


Saturday 14th June


Great list of punk gigs in Manchester at this new website: http://www.punkgigsmanchester.co.uk Add your gigs there.
Also check out http://www.punx.co.uk for a list of national punk gigs

Any what’s ons?

Email radio@underthepavement.org

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